SQL Training - United Kingdom

Embark on a journey of data mastery with our SQL (Structured Query Language) Courses on Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle RDBMS technologies.
These courses are vital for enhancing database efficiency and advanced data manipulation, making them indispensable for professionals in data analysis, IT, and strategic business roles.

Limited time offer: 2 day course from £299.99 (£649.99)
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Why Choose Us for SQL Training

Expert hands on training

Dive into database management and query optimization for efficient handling of complex data sets with field experts

Elevate your career with high-demand skills

Open doors in tech and beyond, gaining a competitive edge in industries from finance to healthcare

Ensure data accuracy and performance

Our courses are built and delivered by industry experts and we always use a practical first approach

Opt for SQL Training to unlock data potential

Extract meaningful insights and make data-driven decisions for business strategy and growth with real world examples

Introduction to SQL Course Outline (SQL Server or Oracle RDBMS or MySQL or PostGreSQL)

  • Module 1: SQL - A Comprehensive Introduction
    Understanding DBMS and RDBMS
    Fundamentals of SQL
    Setting Up the SQL Environment
  • Module 2: Data Constraints, Keys, and Data Types
    Exploring Data Constraints and Their Importance
    Key Types and Their Roles in SQL
    Overview of SQL Data Types
  • Module 3: In-depth Normalization Techniques
    The Concept and Importance of Normalization
    Exploring Various Types of Normalization
  • Module 4: Database and Table Creation
    Exploring SQL Commands: DDL, DML, and TCL Statements
    Hands-On Practice: Creating and Managing Databases and Tables
  • Module 5: Mastery of Clauses and Aggregate Functions
    Utilizing Group by, Where, Having, Order by, and Distinct Clauses
    Implementing and Understanding Aggregate Functions
    Practical Exercises: Applying Clauses and Functions in Real Scenarios
  • Module 6: Advanced Joins with Extensive, Hands-On Deep Dive
    Understanding and Using Aliases
    Comprehensive Coverage of Joins: Inner, Outer, and Right Outer Joins
    Hands-On Practical Training: Extensive Practice with SQL Joins
  • Module 7: Exploring and Utilizing Views
    Introduction to Views in SQL
    Benefits and Types of Views: Simple and Complex
    Practical Application: Creating and Managing Views
  • Module 8: Triggers - Theory and Practice
    Comprehensive Introduction to Triggers
    Exploring the Advantages and Challenges of Using Triggers
    Hands-On Implementation: Creating and Managing Triggers in SQL

Through this course, participants will gain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical, hands-on experience, especially in the use of joins and other advanced SQL features. The aim is to equip learners with the skills necessary to effectively apply SQL techniques in real-world scenarios.

Upcoming Online Instructor led Training Programs

prices are quoted per person

Course Name Start Date Investment Enquire Now
SQL Advanced (3 days) 20-03-2024 £799.49 (£899.99) Fully Booked (alternative dates available)
Pre-requisite: Not recommended for delegates new to SQL. A basic understanding of the following topics is required - writing basic queries, joins, filters, unions
SQL Beginners (2 days) 20-03-2024 £299.99 (£649.99) Book Now Speak with an instructor
Pre-requisite: No prior experience in SQL required
SQL Advanced (3 days) 3-04-2024 £799.49 (£899.99) Book Now Speak with an instructor
Pre-requisite: Not recommended for delegates new to SQL. A basic understanding of the following topics is required - writing basic queries, joins, filters, unions
SQL Beginners (2 days) 3-04-2024 £499.99 (£649.99) Book Now Speak with an instructor
Pre-requisite: No prior experience in SQL required

We understand that different budgets and requirements exist, which is why we offer training solutions to suit a wide range of needs. Whether you prefer in-person, online, or on-site training, we have you covered. Additionally, we provide group discounts to further accommodate your team's learning goals.

Speak with an instructor

Alternatively, drop us an email on [email protected] and we'll respond to your request.

Our Clients

We have successfully delivered training sessions to a diverse range of clients, including: